Sugar 7 – Setup a Development Environment

Build a Sugar development VM using Debian 7.8

This post is supposed to guide through the setup of a VirtualBox virtual machine for local development of Sugar 7.5.x. The OS of choice is Debian 7.8 as it is my personal preference for server setups and it currently fits all the software requirements of Sugar without much additional manual work.

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Customise SugarCRM Case assignment from Inbound Emails

Creating Support Tickets from Emails is one of the core functionalities of a ticketing system and it can hugely benefit any organisation if the ticketing system is directly part of the global CRM implementation.

SugarCRM since the early days has included on any version of its CRM product a great functionality that is commonly used between my customers: the Inbound Email to Case creation (as in Email to Support Ticket creation).

To know more about how to set-up the functionality out of the box, for a Sugar v7.2.2.0 (latest Sugar version while writing this article), please refer to this section of the manual.

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Can I remove Team Security from SugarCRM?

Any SugarCRM Commercial Edition has a great feature for segmenting data, called Team Security.

In a nutshell, all non Administrator Users can only see SugarCRM records associated with at least one of the Teams they are part of.

…but what if in my organisation I do not want to limit who can see which records on the CRM system? Keep reading to find out the answer!

Not everybody knows that SugarCRM recently introduced the Visibility and ACL Layer that gives Partners and tech savvy End Users, a great granular control when customising record visibility and permissions.

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